mercredi 23 février 2011

First days in Nepal

For my english speaking friends

I have been in Nepal now for more than 10 days and it’s taking me some time to adapt to this new way of life !
The plane started its descent  in KTM at around 5.45 pm with a magnificent sunset on the highest mountains in the world ! I was impressed . By the time we landed, got the luggage it was pitch dark . Alan and Claire were waiting for me  and  after some negotiations we got a taxi for 500 roupies .
No lights on the roads ,more than heavy traffic, cars driving on the right on the left among other cars, motorcycles, bicycles , pedestrians all this  in a concert of horns . I stopped watching where we were going no reason to get a heart attack , I just kindly asked my Angel to take care of the whole situation .The air pollution is at its maximum I think , it became difficult to breath .After about 20km we left the main road and followed a rather bumpy  path and we finally  reached Alan’s apartment .!ouf ! By that time it is around 9pm  it is cold and I am freezing .No electricity , we lit candles , we drink a tea , talk and finally  went to bed . the idea is to share the room with Claire , no pb . My bed is a small thin mattress lying directly on the cold cement . I put on all the warm clothes I had: socks , and on top of my pyjamas the heavy tights and the duofold that Hanne gave me when I left last February. After about half hour I realized the cement was absorbing my heat and I was getting even colder !!!!!!
So I installed all  my sleeping gear on the couch  in the sitting room .the couch is a tiny mattress but lying on a piece of wood 15 cm above the ground  better but I am almost frozen . On and off I slept I was so tired .
Next day Claire took me to  the office on a motorbike just imagine !!!!!!!!!!!!But it was a beautiful sunny day I started to warm up  and to discover the country . The first days I was unable to take pictures my eyes my ears my nose were filling up with all kind of new things is  it a bad dream or another reality ? We shared a candlelight  dinner again at the apartment .
I declined the cold shower and just did the minimum tooth brushing ! and tried to sleep on the couch again . These were my first days !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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